Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Views: 265

Facebook is a killer man,
It gets into your head,
Not even taking note of what everyone has said,
Status udates, Pictures in a news feed overload,
This 101 profile is not worth taking note.

There's a path I wanna follow,
A wolf I need to feed,
Perhaps maybe a Catfish girl's exactly what I need?
They won't know where it leads, or the fact that it is me,
In fact there's some fites on here to make me more pretty.

I can watch your every move,
Tell you what you wanna hear,
Make you fall in love with me without intention to appear.

Nobody knows this game,
I know some people are insane,
But I'm just looking for attention,
Maybe some calculated gain.
If they're too stupid to know i'm fake,
Then they're the one to blame. 
I can feed you with my lies to make you wanna crave,
My nakedness, my friendliness, my humerous, my game.

Sometimes you'll think you know me,
at times believe in love,
I don't care if your emotion is so painful you are crushed.

Maybe I have cancer, Maybe Abbi is my name,
when you hear my voices on the phone,
nothing will be the same.
Your existence has no meaning,
you're just a face above a page,
and perhaps one day when you do find out,
you'll hurt me with your rage.
You're just serving a purpose,
My time with you wont last,
And when you look back on this,
you'll adore this heinous mask.
Wonder what might have happened,
Wonder what might have been, 
And without even realising it,
You'll belong to me!

But guess what........
You're not enough for me my dream.


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