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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Innovate Crumbled State



Views: 228

Occupany numbers, demands enquire,
single parent households and those of you retired,
What is your sickness, disability supplies,
The only get out clause of what you're now required.

Your nuclear family we promote is now much too big,
Do you have spare bedrooms, disalowed dependents,
how much spare money you got to give?

While we sit on our high horses, 
Issuing all our demands,
Our homeless rates increasing,
White washing blood left on our hands,
"They'll never understand,
How hard it is to please you all,
No motives underhand"!

Ethnicity's a bonus, you're cultures an excuse,
to evict all british families,
and silver plate it all to you.
take all our British taxes,
while our youngers starve to death,
here's 20 grand in benefits to ensure that you are set. 
what religeon do you abet?
Equal Opportunities is your barrier from offence,
you won't sustain our disrespect,
anything that was british is no in ineffect.
It makes me quite upset..
to see this hipocracy before my eyes,
watching our sovereignty diminish and societies deny,
responsibility and duty of care to you to me, no I..
cannot stand by and watch this,
something needs to be said,
my mask gives the opportunity to say what's in our nations head.

Tighten immigration laws and consider these people may be,
exploiting England for our homes and raping us finacially,
you cannot argue all these people are in danger,
those of us NOT racist are becoming biggots and haters,
Quash the human rights act the intelligence is there,
to retract this recession to our societies repair,
those currently in dispair, 
could stand a chance in an equal society that was originally theirs.
We've shown we care for people,
to our detriment it's been,
our crime rates increasing from all racial wars raging. 

I don't know why you think it's acceptable to fund a terrorist life,
wasn't 9/11 enough for you to know that ain't right?
You send off teenage troops to fight,
the same people who kill them there then asylum a free life?
300 ***ing grand a year that costs man,
it makes me so ***ing angry!!!
you're innability to view your hipocracy, mutiny, financial abusively, 
reducing me to this now....
I demand to know how,
you intend to respond to our revolution,
beurocracy an obvious illusion,
here is your retribution, 
how the *** you gonna fight our new age revolution?

Those ducking behind your televisions,
Take your backbone and use it, 
united we can preach distaste with poetry and music, 
your support demonstrates your loss in inhabitions,
you are now in a position, 
to change the worlds, demand some answers and back up our petitions,
This is the only way to change our fate,
Lynch mob prime minister, sinister, lets innovate this crumbled state!!



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