Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Views: 251

Knocking back brews in the late summer sun,
stimulating memories from a decade ago,
new beginnings in the rear view mirror,
is it the beginning or has it already begun?

Eyes shut against initimate possibility,
not yet certain of pre-meditated intentions,
never before had we even considered,
well maybe, possibly, perhaps that's just me.

Free spirited souls proving insightful chance,
waiting, waiting, waiting,
what's coming next, is the presumption correct?
hopeful perhaps but not just yet.

Venturing via a long soggy road,
leaving new memories for future prospects,
faced with opposition of the fateful kind, 
not a care for war or desire for green eyes.

Knowledge is more and success is attractive, 
not known by your own but seen in new sight,
never viewed through those eyes before,
pre-conception, possible monster dirivative,
perserverance pays off,
learning more and more and more.

Ice picks of gold like trains against the track,
tiny diamonds fall from the gods,
only the opportunity left to look back,
uncertainty remains until doors are shut ,
presumptions correct, legitimate lust.

A change of heart, a new intution,
histrionic failures no longer behold,
people move on and things soon change,
rusty keys forced upon the ignition,
learn to accept accept accept.

A newborn arrival puts pay to segmented past,
lustful memories left lingering comfortably,
never be sure of what could be,
why waste time when time leaves so fast. 

Soggy roads remain doused in pleasure, 
secret visions personally viewed, 
only I aware of the meaning intended, 
minimal yearning but hopeful ensued. 


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