Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Views: 240

Pedophiles here, pedophiles there, 
pedophiles ***ing everywhere,
as a new age of sexuality insets,
we need to be prepared.

Where do they come from,
a lot are hiding,
behind a public mask,
sifting the good from the rotten ain't no easy task.

Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris,
both childhood hero's,
Ian Watkins, Freddie Starr,
They're all twisted psycho's.

Raping babies, abusing vulnerable, 
how the *** do you even do it?
why do you hide like a ***ing coward instead of trying to help it?

Some more macabre than others are, 
but in our eyes you're all as bad, 
and Saville the slimey pedo popped his clogs before he was had.

How do victims get their justice when their abuser is a corpse?
hopefully when the masses cross,
on another realm we enforce.
our moral fibre and intergrity our hatred for you is insane,
let's set him on fire, cut off his nuts and scarface him from a plane.

I hope some nasty rapist con takes Ian Watkins pride, 
drowns the screams, ignores the pain and tortures him till suicide. 

Rolf Harris you dirty muggy , 
I suppose there ain't no wonder.
with your weird antics and erratic breathing,
your songs of people younger.

Chemical castration is the only way to drown sexual need, 
most non-famous pedophiles beg for castration desperately.
what gives nobel public prescence, a ticket to deceive, 
make us all fall for your charm and generocity to those in need. 
who hides behind a public mask as someone to look up to,
where there couldn't be more wrong with you, dark habits, how sick and twisted are you?

I can't condone these nasty actions but at times I understand,
that people just can't help themselves until someone ties their hands, 
what makes it worse bout the people named is their cowardly attempt to cover,
their heinous acts and obismal craves, even brainwashing a mother.
This is where I draw the line and my anger isn't lonely,
I hope that god takes wrath on you replacing comforts with bare minimum only.


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