Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 180100
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Spirit reign...



Views: 499




....a momentary view 

is all we have in a point assigned,

as spirits of the all ...we are but few

having come to be... to carry the burden

of humanity...

as this is our time to do and be...

the ones, who... get things done... 


a portion of the flow of the souls

we represent of common ancestry

more than we know 

but, for ...some great unknown... 

given a second chance

to make what course corrections

we might, as we live...

as is, fitting for the very future

we are coming to

in this life...

being lost without a clue

all, because ...too long ago

someone tossed the script

of what we were tasked to do

within these motions of life,

inspired perhaps 

with insights from a heaven 

which coincides with

a common sense of life

within this... universal stream 

of good intent

not too far from the ocean 

of our heart of mind grasp a handfull 

of the eternal dream

as it comes and goes, 

combined with the realization

of this moment in flux, as it grows... 

changes phase

and begins transitioning 

from what might

appear at first to be mere reactions

in a series of cascading steps

played upon this stage key events

in the spiritual pools,

we see reflected in the tides of life

as it affects us individually

...and collectively a state of being

where focal points of reality

meet our minds and our spirituality

comes into focus, changes inwardly

bends time, becomes aligned

with the eventuality of shifting tides

its energy, a catalyst,

a fuel and quench


to allow a spark 

to add fire to the clay

its the color we portray

in the mood of our persuation

and if continuity allows

the part we play

among our fellow travellers

as this reality

imperceptively changes

by our force of will

an influence, perhaps

of our passion + prayers continue

in its rise to a place

we by chance,

call destiny,

as we drift,



along our path


in many ways

in this journey...

across dimensions

of time

and space...


then too,

we all, in part


the arc,

take our turn

reflecting upon

the heart of

the universe...

of our beliefs

carry a torch lit by our consciousness

a remnant of a gift before time,

we received from the source

and pass on as we are able

as our spark materializes

but for a moment its return

to dust






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