love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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the end is only the beginning



Views: 431

 I have been around and back again. There has never been fairness to this life and in that moment of discovery, I knew I had to be extraordinary.

I started out a man and near the end, I was so much more and only because I believed I was and a big part of that was because you believed in me.

The parts of you that you let me see and even the parts you kept secret believed in me and I am thankful for that.

You brought me back from my mental edge and then slammed in my mind a mental wedge of hope. Thank you for that.

I even want to thank God for being black. I was a struggle but I hustled it and muscled it and I am stronger for it.

I am nearing the end and I feel that this is just the beginning.


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you should make this powema series I really like it does it tell a poetic story and you just started?

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