SoFloetic | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
When I write I feel free........LIMITLESS

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Wasted Time


just different

Views: 422

I will never get back the time I wasted on you

It's like the sunshine is gone and the skys are dark blue

Deep inside I think I always knew that I was wasting my time trying to pursue you

And as crazy as it seems you weren't even my type

But I gave you a chance because I was tired of dealing with the same type of men, that meant me no good

And I thought for once I found a guy who truly understood but you're no different than the rest

Although the appearance was different the mentality was the same

Yea i wanna hit it, but i don't wanna be committed

I'm not ready for a relationship but you can sit around and wait

Wait on me because one day I may come around, but you never did and you never would because to you I was just not the one

And as much as I sit here and re play this in my head I will never forget all the bulls*** you said

Then I started to wonder well is it me why would he not wanna love me

And its hard to sit here and try not to cry

When I think about how hard I really did try

Did you know I loved you but I was afraid to tell you because I knew you didn't feel the same way and I didn't want to risk losing you or pushing you away so I kept my feelings bottled up inside praying that they would disappear

Buy they never did

And when we had an argument it was plain to see that

You would never love me

The way you talked and the things you said showed me that I was nothing to you

It made me realize this friendship wasn't even true

How could i be so stupid and blind

You were nothing but a waste of time

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The Immortal Wize says:

so much emotion packed into this poem, keep on flowin!

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