Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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In The Shadows of You



Views: 268

Smack heads, crack heads, all have a reason,
To be hurting in the heart and find love within treason,
Why do they do they do it? Since you all ask,
Who knows their story, their journey, their path?
Who wastes their lives on drama and pride,
Leaving remnants of behaviour, making us decide,
What is worse than women and who the *** are you?
You walk around thinkin that we all owe you,
Break out the fists, the guns and the knives,
Taking people within an inch of their lives,
Do you realise how stupid you seem to Joe public?
Proving stererotypists right in their judgements,
Homophobia breaks in the towns that we know,
People judge those who are gay because they are ‘so’,
Driven by lust, violence and drugs,
Female breeding, emotional murder and thugs,
Give them all a bad name, why don’t you..
They ‘all the same’,
Give up your bravado, you’re proving them right,
And yeah I get that we all have to fight,
But fight within reason and for a good cause,
Not to settle some score simply for the applause,
It’s not good enough, frustrating, sickening, disappointing,
So much potential thrown to the nazi’s who jointly,
Set out to ruin our country like you,
Don’t you know we are all made out of bricks wood and glue,
Moral to the story is we are all the same,
Life is a passion, not a fight for gain,
Reassemble your mind and find a way out,
Become better and try to drown out those who doubt us,
To be human beings, not an expectation,
Human unity within a minority nation,
Look at yourself you are better than this,
Is this all you want, alone, just this?!!!!
Remember your ancestors, the people before you,
And recognise we are all in the shadows of you…

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LP45 says:

Very nice work Majestic. This kind of reminds me of the song Imagine by John Lennon. Yes we are indeed all the same and it's a shame some don't see it that way. Keep up the good work. I'll be back to read more!

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