Cool mornings awaken me
It’s a mild 75 degrees or so
The sun gleams through
Bringing all of nature’s residents to light
Humming birds moving
From flower to flower
So smooth and swift
Birds calling each other
From one tree to the next
As the coqui frog leads
In the symphony of voices surrounding you
Geckos coming to check things out
For a second then quickly run away
All of a sudden without warning
The wind strengthens, the sun disappears
And the rainforest is showered
With a torrential downpour
Completely drenching the canopy
And all of its inhabitants
For about 15 minutes
And then the shower is over
The sun reappears, the winds calm down
As a rainbow makes a special
Guest appearance on stage
Silently but beautifully its colors glow
As it reaches across the sky
Surrounded by the world’s greatest symphony…
The peace of the rainforest.
By Juanita J. Smalls ©12/24/13