As I sit here smiling with a notebook in my lap and a pen in my hand I thank the father for how the gift of words has truly blessed this humble woman.
The stories I write about are lyrical set it to music if you will, this is a god given talent and has very little to do with skills.
I have the ability to make you laugh or my words can make you cry, when I write about the injustice in the world it makes you sit back and think while wondering why?
Some are about my own personal experiences and most are about how I see life, how a simple heartfelt message can give you the will to strive.
But I need you the receiver to feel me so thank you for doing your part and know that I really appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.
On this journey in life I have found and met some wonderful friends and I love that we share this gift of poetry my sisters and brothers of the pen.
In order for me to feel completely happy and whole, I have to give you small pieces of the deepest part of my soul.
By Lashann Roberts
© 2013