lashann roberts | Poetry Vibe
lashann roberts
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Lashann roberts

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My heart breaks for this lost generation and all the pain and suffering that those who are not even born yet must go through. As the tracks of my tears fall onto the hard concrete stepped on by those who are seemingly unaware please know that I don’t cry for me my tears are only for you.

I stumble through this life inside of a glass box that protects me from within, a yoyeur to the outside world and the things that are twisted and wrong in the hearts of women and men.

I use the only weapon I have to reach one person at a time that I happen to pass by as my words flow from my pen. Even though I bang on the glass and tell of warning signs of destruction hoping to get somebody’s attention from within.

I scream to all of those that blindly walk by me that it’s nice and safe and warm in here come inside with me, but the sound of my voice echo’s around in an empty space that plainly no one sees.

I feel so lost inside my own personal matrix because it seems like I took the red pill and everyone else took the blue, how else could everyone else seem so oblivious to all of the things that are happening right before there eyes witnessing all the struggle we go through.

Outside the box there are monuments and walls to honor our dead and instead of peace we are still at war, so if nobody really won the fight then what the hell did they die for?

It doesn’t matter who you are your blood is red and somewhere inside beats a compassionate heart within. The only difference between the two of us is the packaging of our skin.

Sometimes I wish that I could scratch my eyes out and pour novocaine on my spirit, from being so mad that my voice isn’t loud enough for anyone else to hear it.

You can see right inside of my glass box because the panes are crystal clear, that’s when I realize that they are also soundproof and that’s why the masses of people cannot hear.

So I break these panes and expose myself to the sickness of this world and hug the first person that comes close and whisper my truth in their ear, because I am no longer invisible and with love it’s possible for everyone to hear.

By R L Chemistry


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