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Favorite Poet Series: Poem 1-First women poet Phillis Wheatley



Views: 339

Phillis Wheatly  was the first black women poet,

who would one day inspire the world,

and didn't even know it.

In 1773 she was a slave,

knowing nothing of her talents,

she tried to read and write, which some in her

time found it brave.

Eventually her step mother taught her how to read and write,

which was forbidden of a slave,

she had a wonderous mind, which her words

wasn't  kept enslaved.

She learned it with pride,  learning

all she could, with the help of her mother teaching her 

when no one else  would.

She went on to become a famous poet of her time,

pubishing her first poem in 1767,

teaching the world her ways of dealing with expression.

After returning home she was granted her freedom,

freedom amongst herself, freedom to be with other people.

She later married a freed black man named John peters,

who inspired her to write more poetry,

expressing to her, how good it would be to tell her story.

In the end Phillis Wheatley died a famous poet,

only to later inspire the world, In which today her poems

are still quoted.

She not only died a famous poet,

But she also died a freed women,

exposing her life though words that she

had once written.



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DreamPoet says:

This is some true poetry! Very educational poem, which you don't find quite often. Love your style ma, keep up the good work.

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The Immortal Wize says:

What a way to pay homage to a great poetess.

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tretre says:

I agree WizeDom.....Gotta give thanks to those who made it possible for us as poets. Keep that pen movin WizeDom! :)
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tretre says:

Thank so much DreamPoet for showin love. Keep that pen movin DreamPoet!

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