tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Will You Pay The Price?



Views: 452

 Judge not those who wander in the darkness,

If you have not been there.

And frown not as they cry to the night wind,

If you dont not care.

Can you not heed the pain, and can you not hear the falling tears?

Would you not think to share the strength you've gained from all your years?

Do you think naught of times, when in sorrow your heart too would burn,

And all the more deeply did it so, when a friend from you would turn.

Would you not look within yourself, for what a friend can do,

And can you not forget what would be the dues required of you?

Ah, but 'tis wise to be reminded of what would be the cost,

And will you pay the price-or have a friend who will be lost?

Time, Patience, Caring, and Concern-yes, they are a heavy fee,

But surely they are not, to those who would give them willingly.

The price establishes the value by which to judge the gain,

So pay in full measure, if the reward you wish to obtain.

Remember, God gave you strength-with weaker ones to share,

So when you too have a need-someone stronger than you will be there.



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jevans1194 says:


poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Thank you Jevans for taking the time to read my poem..I'm glad you can relate. Keep that pen movin Jevans!

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