SoFloetic | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
When I write I feel free........LIMITLESS

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Look at me


just different

Views: 369

It's hard loving you when you don't love me back

Pretending to be your friend when deep down inside I'm feeling like im about to crack

Being your homegirl when I want it to be so much more

Every night I'm saying I can't do this anymore

But it's hard to leave because when I try to walk away

My heart tells me that I should stay

Thinking of every excuse in the book

Make believing this love is true

Lying to myself saying you will love me someday

But all the while knowing you will never commit

Face buried in my pillow

Crying myself to sleep every night

Wishing you were here to hold me tight

Thoughts in my head of you laying next to her

And I don't know who her is

I just know she isn't me

My heart is full of jealousy

All for a man who don't even notice me

Who doesn't even recognize all of the effort I'm making

You only notice me when I'm naked

Laying in a bed next to you

And when it's over your eyes turn blind

To what you don't wanna see

I need your love desperately

Why won't you


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Poignant Piece.....your expressions are deeply felt.....that is a gift......Write On....ONE

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