Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Views: 276

Tibet the vast hidden land of peace, 

Over-run with communist China police,

The softest, most respectful country on the planet, 

Prayers to Buddha and Lama? China banned it.

The masters of mind, preachers of health,

Imprisoned for religeon and igniting themselves,

A charasmatic and peace-led leader, 

Driven out of his country due to the fear, 

Thousands of protesters crying for their father,

The man that saved Tibet from communist Britain and France, 

As the Chinese soldiers in herds advance,

The protesters get to tell their story at last.

When nations collect and the Olympic torch arrives, 

In China where the two countries devide, 

A story once banned from the medias eyes, 

Finally released to the world as protesters cry, 

Begging for help and support from the UN,  

Other countries with armies bigger than them, 

Without our support, Tibetans condemned, 

To a life without religeon, food, safety and freedom, 

Beaten with black piping for writing poetry, 

They will hunt you down if you try to escape and gun you down publically, 

These people tortured for simply wanting peace,

2 innocent Tibetans murdered by police, 

In front of 15,000 people as the Lama gave his speech, 

See they don't care if you're in another country, 

They'll even go as far as to kidnapp an innocent baby. 

A baby in preperation for the Tibetan history, 

Kidnapped and swapped for a Lama of Chinese, 

Communist China continue to preach, 

If a lie's told enough, soon it's believed, 

Every nation of the world loses their sovereignty,

A new world order after world war three, 

For those who believe Freemason's are fake, 

Illuminati notions and conspiracies make, 

You worry about nothing 'cos it will never reallly happen, 

If this is what you think, go and ask a Tibetan!!

The 13th Dalai Lama predicted this genocide, 

Pike predicted each world war and partide, 

Before the world is brainwashed and forced to unite, 

Together the satanist government we should fight, 

We don't have to take this, we have human rights, 

let's follow the Tibetans into the light!


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