Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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My Kids



Views: 282

I will never have a father to give me away,

Or a mother full of pride on my wedding day,

A family to fill my side of the church,

Brothers and sisters speeches unheard.

For this reason I wish a family to be mine,

A legacy begun, a new family line,

2 boys and a girl, some foster kids too,

Children who in adulthood are proud to be part of you,

I want to watch them grow, teach them everything I know,

When the girls get older I can tell the boys where to go,

Give them all the love I never had,

Well rounded humans who can accept the bad,

Boys who will eventually look after us,

When our time has come to bite the dust,

Someone who I can eventually hand down our bus,

I wanna see the smiles and excitement at Christmas,

Birthdays spectacular, weddings and grand kids,

Provide for an education that will teach them well,

Good manners, moral fibre and stories to tell,

Graduation or progression, either is accepted,

Loved unconditionally, my kids never rejected,

Be there for the mistakes, broken hearts and troubles,

To be there to rub their backs after too many doubles,

Filling my home with homely motherly smells,

Dinner on the table and plasters on knees after they’ve fell,

The tantrums, long nights, and stories at bedtime,

Using my house as a hotel and the ridiculous lies,

The struggle with homework and secret detentions,

The awkward discussions they never wanna mention,

Untidy bedrooms and late for school,

Skateboards and bikes cluttering up the hall,

The stress never ending and broken windows next door,

Hopping over fences to collect lost balls, I want it all!

I have many more journeys and experiences to have,

But at home with a family is where I wanna relax,

If a perfect ending could ever be had,

This would be it!!!

A past once lacking would no longer be sad.



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