Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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Black Sheep...2014 Jan contest entry


Views: 410

Trapped between the spokes of society's movement; adhering to the motion with no ill talk of improvement.


Mind elusive; years pass by yet its the same situation...the black sheep like a uneven texture is protruding.


The Libra scales tilt in favor of the common; the judgement is marked the modern is wrong the classic is right.


In none we are the same; daytime separation between races of different faces.

The black sheep a sheep among other

sheep segregated on a skin pigmentation...

Society's lock.

To the big door of freedom; caught in chains of misery, shackles of suffering, cuffs of difference. Yet we hold the key.


The blind see what they feel, believe what's their "real"...

The real deal.

The black sheep fears none as he, is blind to societies mind


The black sheep sees what the typical individual, living a typical life, would typically not see. Believe.

The typical standards enforced by mind forging manacles; locking human imagination destined to see the planets.

Destined to explore.

To learn.

But that would be.

Being the black sheep.

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Beautiful work Number3 as always. Keep that pen movin Number 3! :)

poems by this commentor


SoFloetic says:

This is great...You are so talented

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