Ad Infinum
we are the rhythm, we are the flow,
we are the pulse, we are the touch,
we are the glow...
between all creation
+in our time table
to assemble to the task
we pretend
but do not know
we are the sound,
what is unseen
and unheard of...
our way station,
on this our journey
through the awakening
in our
spiritual pools,
carried forth
as our spirit sails,
catching the spirit +winds
+in the place
where only
true light abounds,
we spread our wings in flight,
trusting +in our souls
thru the miracle
of our sense of Being
on this journey
crossing ancient paths
across +starlit plains of eternity
+in a caravan
entuned to the vibrations,
lost to our creation
by the creators calling+star
touching one another by that energy +spark
which exists only
in the truth between our hearts
spoken +sense, awareness
our ...dream+thought...
dreams, our...
paving stones...
joining each other,
by particles of light
visible only thru +
the visionary's portal,
navigating by heart+soul
as we ply
these angry seas
unafraid of
the treacherous
undercurrents of life...
we are
a miracle of creation
that is our strength,
that is our weakness
that is our calling,
our +insight...
we are
the heartbeat of a spirit
focused upon rebirth
becoming with
a rushing of our hearts
of pure thoughts
we are the clay...
of the Creators+wish...
becoming real
only upon our judgement Day...
we are the grain of particles
beneath the grain...
of our beliefs
all plans of our
as all our tribes
the oneness in us all
even as we sleep...
watching over the lost horizon
bold in our approach...
as we feel
the calling +star
in the dust of +our bones...
weary travellers
at our station
universal plains
we become
as grains of sand
which becomes the glass
by which our spirits
are focused
into a mirror
to our souls
remember this,
what is the question
if you didn't know
you just
wouldn't ask
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