Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 350

Your not bond to make it. you were born into this world naked. your first taste of cold to be delivered, get used to the shivers. regrets leave the nastiest of taste in your mouth like chopped liver. the world is made up of onions things to make you cry. answers are made with holes, most plug them with why's. things cease to exist! there's always a itching of loneliness, this is where death exist. life is cheapend. greed is a disease among those left to fend. roads are unexplored. most do the same thing doomed to become bored. want is the fuel, to I need more. more is what was left, when love was no more. today opportunity barely has a door, and solid ground feels like cheap plastered floor. I don't want, I wish there was more....


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Repstylez says:

thats what it do

Devonte7638 says:

Very nice poem

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royale jones says:

thank ya'll and much respecet!

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