Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Views: 251

An institution of development enforced by mediocre prodigy's,

For everything you're not when you loath materialism you're forced to make your apologies,

To the pecking order fascists who thrive from glory and capitalism,

Yet they preach freedom for eternity from abuse of institutionalisation,

Become a champion role model based on talent inbred sports,

Nerds with a hunger for A stars for the newspaper reports,

Skaters with an axe to grind and goths with slit up wrists,

It's hardly a shock to see the scum rise up, bubble over and become terrorists.

The media produce robots, force fed tastes and desires far fetched,

Shopping and commerce increasing annually, purchases ever more direct,

All our children morbidly subject to a vicious world of sex,

Teenage pop idols more and more uncovered, perversely network shared,

Among the masses under influence of mass brainwash, left impaired,

The parents never listen, they just want normal behaved kids,

With motivation for a future built with plans and founded blueprints,

If you don't wanna get up in the morning cos day by day you wanna bucket,

A butterfly slash pea oppressed to a cement black hole built of nothing,

All the sideliners with opinions withheld for a threaded hope of safety,

Say their piece when the coast is clear and leggit when faces frontline the enemy.

Ammunition, bombs and riffles build my pride and pens burnt pages of a bible,

Every 'friend' I 'had' from years 2-11 derived an undeniable frightful event, nest eggs become even less viable,

Loading my rifle, all I am to become is my new renowned title,

You may mock my individualistic morality,

My crave and my openness to individuality,

I just wanted to be left alone and not the butt of aggressive need,

Why was I so passionately hated for simply wanting to be me,

From this day people will note how adolescence progressed to hell,

If you make it through quite quietly a boring story's left to tell,

I'm gonna blow away every mother ***er, I'm gonna damn you all to hell!

Homemade bombs a firework ending and now the barrel has turned on me,

None of them left, all names scratched off the list, I won't leave you a single bully,

Learn well from this, young lives have been sacrificed to pass a message through noticeable genocide,

You'll remember my name and the name of my friend, but not a single
Victim of Columbine


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