tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 325

In a dark corner all alone,
Hides a word that's often known.
The world itself needs some strength,
And when your lips part to say,
Hate gets power day by day.
It grows and grows high in the sky,
Instead of staying low where it can die.
Until it's so tall, there's no love,
Left at all.
And finally when a tear falls of
Pure Hope, on the ground below,
It is only then the spell is
Broken, and peace comes to all.
It is once again that
Love and Hates; Hate and Love,
Are one by one. The end has yet to come.

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SoFloetic says:

Very true

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The Immortal Wize says:

Powerful message

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