SoFloetic | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
When I write I feel free........LIMITLESS

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Seductively Seducing



Views: 402

You seduced my mind before you touched my body

You give me this overwhelming feeling that I can't control

I envision being in your presence

My name rolling off your tongue

Making me feel like I'm the only woman that exist to you

When you acknowledge me you make me feel as if the universe revolves around me

I am the Sun, the earth, and the moon

That's just how you make me feel

When I read your poetry

it consumes my mind

My entire being becomes you

Your words flow through my head

Like waterfalls and streams, rivers and creeks

That creates a hydropower, a force so strong

That is pulls me in like gravity and I become apart of you


I stand in the background to scared to speak up

It's like a magnet on me feet

I can't move

Held down by the fear of rejection

To afraid to not be good enough

You have become a dream to me

Someone that I have never met

but your words make me feel like I already know you

I'm falling in love with you

Or maybe it's just the idea of you and I

The possibility of what it could be

It's like your words are electrical waves

That automatically flow through me

Because somehow, someway we are connected

Sometimes I wonder if you can feel

This undeniable chemistry

It's like your words are seductively seducing me

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Wordman21 says:

Deep ,Soul touching

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