tretre | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 66300
contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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He Said:



Views: 353

 Tell me what your really here for, if you

never really loved me.

I gave it my all, but it still wasn't 

enough for you I see.

All you had to say is, that your

not ready for commitment,

I've been through this with many women,

I don't deserve this treatment.

You openly played with my emotions,

causing my heart and pride to be broken.

You say, I'm the essence of your life,

but your the type that would eat someone 

from inside and not think twice.

You fooled me once, and now twice,

Now you stand here crying because you 

have to now pay the price.

You cut me real deep, just like a knife,

I was even thinking of making you my wife,

But your games has caused me to

say my goodbye's and move on with my life.


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