Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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drive you crazy



Views: 354

Running and fumbling words high off the fact that maybe I might get what I feel I deserve its like curb pitching dope sex in the kitchen no over looking every nook and cranny getting took in boiling sensations seat over skin moaning yelling killing it like a convicted felon you wouldn't believe what I'm selling

dreams by the way of jeans passed down by the way of genes hot and heavy molten rock

melt your inhibitions until the feeling stops

wake up the next morning asking

was I that high or were you on top

I'm talking digging deep soul searching pure lust no hurting

in a world of maybe one things for certain

I'm going to work when you lift the curtain

perform like town cars steady motion can fit two but made for one person you...

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