It’s hard to believe that after so many years I can still feel the same way I felt the day that I kissed your lips. On a hot Sunday summers day, dressed in crisp clean clothes just fresh out of Sunday service your lips interlocked with mine and Pow just like that magic in each kiss and breath that we shared while looker ons watched and stared and pointed at two so very young thangs. I so mature in age you so silly to believe that you had met your match. But hey being on opposite ends of the spectrum was what made this here thing so amazing. So after so many years why do I still feel the way I did when I intertwined my sweet sultry lips with yours? Athough you’re mature in age and me so silly to think that maybe we can try this thing all over again or maybe I’m just imagining what those two things on the front of your face can do after so long. So again we’re still on opposite ends of the spectrum and I’m wondering if opposites can attract a life time of intimacy or will this thing go out of style like a new teenage fad? Only time will tell because we are yet and still on opposite ends of the spectrum.