chispoken | Poetry Vibe
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Learn youreslf before attempting to love someone else.

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Dear Friend Zone



Views: 471

A man’s most feared phrase
A woman’s clutch companion
“I think we should be friends”

“You know it’s not you it’s me”
“I’m just too involved with my career”
“I don’t want to hurt you”
Or my personal favorite
“Friendships are honestly the best relationships though, right
You understand don’t you?”

A home wrecking female’s enemy
A male player’s ace in the hole
“You know what this was from the beginning”

He doesn’t believe her
She doesn’t believer herself
She knew better
One more pawn moved on his chess board
Gender doesn’t determine heartbreak
I mean,
I’ve never heard of a heart separating differently
Because she’s a she or he’s a he
Mother always told me
“Be careful not to break these young girl’s hearts
Karma doesn’t discriminate”

I smile now
As you list the reasons
Our chance at together fades like seasons
I stop you in mid sentence
“No, you are not too indulged in your career,
You’re lack of truth already hurts me,
And no, I honestly can not understand how you
Could bench me, never to start a single game in your heart
When you can’t get back half of your love back
From your half back who keeps fumbling your emotions”

Friend zone
My dearest, sly opposition
You disguise yourself well
Rear your ugly head just to show me your devilish grin
How could we ever be friends?

©Paris “Chi” Butler, “Dear Friend Zone”. All Rights Reserved. 1/30/14

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bekz580 says:

Wow i really LOVED this!!

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chispoken says:

I am humbled bekz580. Feel free to browse older works as well
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tretre says:

I have no words but, Amazing! Keep that pen moving Chispoken!

DallasCowgirl says:

This piece speaks volumes of realness. Thanks for sharing!

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