Eyes watching every step
Waiting for the right time to catch its preyKnowing every move its going to take Lovin the feeling of power overwhelm Basking in it like the last rays of summerAs its victim walks in utter peace and complete oblivion to what may occur As the predator watches in humour on how the prey still walks in no question of a beast lurking in the shadows of evilAs the darkness takes over the shinning sun As the water drops from the clouds As confusions places itself on the faces of all creatures on earth As the feet of others run and the predator loses its pray It not knowing that the pray knew what was to come Knowing its being watchedBut knowing if showing any panick it would be attacked So it went and acted like it had no plan which was true But was blessed by the rain which was a distraction to bothAs the women ran from the man who planned to brutalise her As she walked into her family ,who was to her original plan, to meet How she was happy that she Prayed that morning as she arrived home and she saw her predators face on tv That, that man was a convict which escaped but found and placed back to his original ground Where he was supposed to be