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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Fizz the Cat



Views: 337

My names Fizz and I'm a black and white cat

I live with my mummy in a one bedroom flat,

She has been my human since the minute I was born,

When I opened my eyes she was the first thing I saw,

I have a younger brother who is fluffy and ginger,

He eats all the gravy when we eating our dinner,

He's a little bit weird and can't quite meow,

But I love him a little cos I'm used to him now,

We sit in the window shouting at all the birds,

The small humans with bags and the neighbours off to work,

If it's nice and warm and sunny we play outside,

Then we cosy up indoors when day turns to night,

Mum forgets we hate tuna and buys is anyway,

She gets a little huffy when we turn our nose away,

If she didn't smoke that green stuff that makes her forget,

She'd remember we likes chicken, rabbit, duck and turkey...:but Tuna is all we get,

She likes to shake our dreamies thinking it will work,

When she wants to close the window and have us in with her,

But we know her too well so we turn our backs and ignore,

In roughly half an hour she'll come storming out the door,

She thinks it is an accident when I jump on her chest,

Really early in the morning, but what I want is to be fed,

Then she falls back to sleep but when she opens her eyes,

We'll both be cuddled up to her, snuggled by her side,

I love it when she's happy but I hate it when she's sad,

She can be a little fiery when my brother drives her mad,

I can't really blame her, he does poo in the bath,

Although we know it won't be long until we hear her laugh,

I like butterflies and spiders, green dots and shiny things,

Sometimes I really love to have a party in the bin,

I drink out of the toilet when I have fresh water,

I knocked up next doors Persian, now I'm expecting a daughter,

Foxes like to try it but they can't stop me now,

I may live in a posh house but I'm still a West Howe Mow,

When mummy has a friend she sometimes forgets about me,

But secretly I don't mind, I love our family,

I hope I live forever, I still have all my 9 lives,

And as we all grow old together, everyday we will watch the sun rise.

Well.....apart from when mum forgets to buy tuna!


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