PoeticLove | Poetry Vibe
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first love

Views: 295

pain can not explain the emotion that i feel, when i look into your eyes and all i see is lies, and the image of you with her, i was fooled thinking we were faithfuland true, telling everyone the good things about you, cheating you just wouldnt do, making me feel as if i was the only one for you, my family doubting you, friends hating you but all that mattered is i was in love with you, blind to the truth and questions i did not ask, i slowly noticed things that really made me wonder, got the courage to ask if you had another lover, you denied and i believed, one night drunk sitting in the room, i got the idea to write just to know the truth, she replied i am sorry and i immediatly knew, i guess the guy you put on wasnt really you, i couldnt stop the tears from falling wishing it wasnt true, but in the end truth hurts and truth helps, but the pain truth brings is so worth finding someone who truely loves you.

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