Wordman21 | Poetry Vibe
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Regained my voice, my voice is no longer silent..

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Bowl of a Precious Jewel ?


just different

Views: 283

 I've walked among its grounds and

slept within its bed,

Moving slowly through the fog like 

a space atmosphere.

I stumbble, grasping for balance, but there

is no balance among that which has no substance,

As I struggle to stand, my eyes fall heavy upon

figures without form, mindless bodies,

emptied of their souls,

I watched in awe, for they were straining to reach

something, the agony of the struggles settled

heavy upon them.

I walked towards the direction in which their hands reached,

Perched upon a block of stone, sat a golden

bowl of glass, satin white smoke emerging from

its tube,

Upon its top a pearl of uique beauty and worth,

But embraced around this pearl, lifeless souls

who had reached and finally touched

this precious jewel.

And in payment for this touch, such more was

taken than just their souls.

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