Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Distasteful Love



Views: 329

Since entering the world of poetry a disappointment has become clear,

People are more interested in love and dependants, and what they have done that year, 

What surprises me the most is that my best work hides in controversy, 

There is not an awful lot to say when my work is just about me, 

If I was to be honest the way to my heart thrives on fire and passion, 

Politics, the way of the world, hardships.....not love and fashion, 

I have no respect for brainwashed soldiers fighting for religion and oil, 

Although I do have respect for the lives that were lost and the veterans of our memorials, 

I've seen stronger soldiers in lifelong wars who's battles are always ongoing, 

I've seen numerous dead bodies, people killed, suicide and many a bludgeoning, 

Do you see my medals for the lives that i've saved, camoflage wear and guns,

Do you ***! you see mud in the gutter, a dreg of society to shun,

I'm not writing this to sound self-righteous or for praise and recognition, 

I just wanna open the eyes of those sleeping, cogs of mechanical institution, 

I've seen rape and group fights, murder and police lights, 'trains' and physical racism, 

Hookers at work, heavy protection unheard, crack heads working to a rythm, 

But amongst these sights, the knives and the fights, a beauty could still be seen, 

Souls with fire, strength to admire, determination is what proceeds, 

Lost angels of the night with no other able life, battling wars just to exist, 

Why do people turn away, can't bare to look, not watch what they say, the judgements they make, how obismol is this?

With Facebook posts and money to be raised to spread hope for brainwashed terrorists?

The soldiers I know need money and hope, support and ***ing awareness, 

You send your support to people with Ale Carte chefs, families and protection, 

But the lonely souls with no food or clothes, homes or hope just receive your rejection, 

Can people not see how thier minds are controlled, persistently in awe, 

Of how we should look, how our lives progress and blame injustice on the law, 

Can you hear how ridiculous this sounds? when put to paper, words written down, 

Do you know how our laws are derived and found?

Or are they just rules to be controlled by 'the man'?

Who is 'the man' does he have a name? do they refer to God or the Queen in reign, 

Did you know our laws are drawn from morality?

If you knew them well, every case has a remedy,

Money in your hand, an ambidextrous instrument,

If used correctly, could oppose the Government,

But instead you sing along to Rihanna, 

Send her your love with words on a banner, 

Money towards cars and houses, clothes, Rolexes and $1000 dinners, 

What about animals murdered for thier skin?

Girls sold for marriage, 12 years old - a next of Kin?

The innocents killed and raped by a select few of our soldiers, 

No veneers for the poor with rotting moelers, 

Children who are beaten, kidnapped and raped, sold to peadophilic gangs,

Fracking in communities contaminating water, ruining the land, 

Oil spills mass murdering animals, killing habitats, and all this has one denominating factor, 


Have I got through yet? Feel enlightened? 

I'm not finished yet, keep your eye on the horizon!


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kavindra says:

wow this speaks volumes

poems by this commentor


Majestic says:

Thank you for the kind words :) much appreciated....I was kinda hoping it would speak volumes

SoFloetic says:

Great write
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

POIGNANT PENNING...thanks for sharing....ONE

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