love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Books Written By Poet

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Broke My Teeth



Views: 462

 I swear I was thinking so hard that I broke my teeth on you. I was locked, glued, and stuck on you until I was blind to all destruction things and only saw grace. 

Your face in a gentle background in a turbulent world. A recipe for honesty in a world of dishonesty.

But honestly --

This dental bill is a thinking tax for a striking woman like you. You struck in threes, once on the intro, the heavy hand in the presence, and a slow descent into despair on the exit. 

If my swag switch had an off switch, you pressed it. 

My words left their rubber sole and now I was pouring concrete on concrete with no deceit. A solid foundation, firm and taxing. 

My thoughts are on you, the luxury of you and the man you helped make me.

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2b2b2 says:

Fluent Flow and Share!

Flora$$$ghostw12 says:

Good bars and strong reposte, Exes are exes for a reason.

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