Phenomenal Paris | Poetry Vibe
Phenomenal Paris
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Black lives matters

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Veterans.. The War Has Just Begun


Views: 411
I salute the men and women who put their lives on the front line for you and I. My respect goes out and condolences to the ones who died. My heart cries out when I think about the families lost. I think about my brother, my cousin, every person I know who signed up for the military. They sign that their souls away. Their lives at stake. Not knowing if this will be their last breath they take. A part of them die every times they step upon a battlefield. Their lives taken away. These are the sacrifices that they make. Being a veteran is the true hardship that face. They're tossed out, kicked to the curb like garbage ready for pick up, thrown on back of the truck like the rest of the dirt. The government do not care how our veterans turn out outside of their camps. These men and women are coming out, ending up homeless. What type of s#it is that? A lot of our veterans living under a bridge. Dang is this the type of respect that get? This world mind is really messed up. I see stuff on Facebook all the time, people praising these stars like they truly do anything to save lives. They go to million dollars homes while our veterans going to bed cold and hungry at night. Now, how crazy is that? People, we need to get our priorities in check. I love my soldiers and my veterans, you all have my utmost respect. Dedicated to, My big brothers, Derrick H. and Christopher D. And to all those that have served or serving, and fought or fighting for this country.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

very real, touching truth where it hurts.

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Phenomenal Paris says:

I try my best

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