Wordman21 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
Regained my voice, my voice is no longer silent..

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I'll Always


just different

Views: 366

 I'll always love you,

Because I will always see,

I am there when your pride

needs to be shown,

I was there for those tears shed,

I was there through the rage and anger,

I became your friend when others

chose not to be.

I felt the same pain you did when

you felt it, because others could not.

I see what others can't see,

I saw what stll others do not see

even in the comfort they give you.

I'll still be here when others

won't be,

I'll love you even through

the tears and pain you give to me.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Isn't always so?

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