From mother earth I fly,
Bathing in the unknown blackness of the universe,
Detached from the illusions my eyes force upon me,
Engolfing myself in the nothingness of love,
For mother earth i cry,
As I see man with his tools digging at her skin,
Poisning her conciousness with the stentch of war and blood,
forcing her to watch her children raped for their dignity,
To mother earth I lie,
Convincing her our future is not that of fire and disease,
Soothing her tears with the unbrella of my faith,
Paching her wounds with the seeds of her innocence,
With mother earth I die,
Slowly evaporating from the naked eye into internal existence,
Glowing brightly in the covered grave of my ancesters,
Releasing my flame from the flesh of hell that enslaves it,
From mother earth i fly!