CdavisL100 | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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just different

Views: 335

Every radio is showing symptoms of your flu
We gotta quarantine your singles and ring tones dude
then check the current health of your albums debut
so we can produce a prescription for these many
bad reviews
Diagnosed with having a lack of originality
some called swag
without lyrical actuality
Now we gotta recall all things you
remove the mic
drop your project
ban from the booth
then cease all concerts, appearances
and future interviews
until we figure out what to do
before the record company's buried in lawsuits
Cease and desist
to erase from iTunes
and halt any further downloads on Zune
then release a statement to the news
of what safety measures use
in preventing this mental abuse
The first step is to
extract the headphones so they don't have to listen to
the same Mu-sick that's killing you

Christopher L. Davis

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