BrokenVessel | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 549

I search my soul

Seeking an answer

Confusion and fear cloud my thoughts

My heart is numb

The things i would do just to feel pain

Just to feel alive

Grace is what keeps me

Hope, it is my reason to wake up

I'm tired of this oppression

That nature has forced upon me

But I know I am not alone

This world is still over crowded with lost souls

Waiting to be found

Or waiting to find themselves

I am one of them

And they are me

We share the same single mother

We share the same dad that walked out

We dwell in the same insecurities

We hear the same cries

The cries of mothers when their sons' are given 25 to life

The cries of infants commuting in buses with 16 year old queens

Queens because they choose to give their "mistake" a chance to have purpose

Queens because they choose to be unselfish

Queens because they stay and fight

These are my people

We suffer at the expense of others

Admittedly, we also suffer because of our own mistakes

But one last things we share is that we NEVER regret

But we continue to live

I take a deep breath

And i can feel their pain

I am lost in their fears

Wishing ignorance was bliss

I hear their earnest prayers

Suddenly, I feel ALIVE

Because I know others suffer with me

No other choice but to stand our ground

Many leave and try to run,


I STAY, and still suffer


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