EpitomeofDope | Poetry Vibe
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4am inspiration....

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just different

Views: 433

She's a master of deception

To the naked eye; a vision of perfection

Every day no different than last

She wakes up, and puts on a mask

She wears a shield of admiration

Instagram likes <3

Her only source of validation

She's slowly dying of s u f f o c a t i o n ....

From fake friends, and men that only want her for fornication

She's dying from becoming a slave to society's "standard of beauty"

and losing her determination

To be the most beautiful version of herself

Will someone save her before her last breath

Before she falls victim to a preventable death

Real eyes . R e a l i z e . The signs...

of being asphixyated by a mask of lies

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love_supreme says:

True words. Good write.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Awesome Share....thanks....ONE

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Epitomeofdope says:

Thank you ! - xoxo

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darylg44 says:

very nice! love the truth in this...engaging flow

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poetic08' says:

A beautiful reality check . Beautiful, keep giving them something more then there mind can imagine my queen.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Damn Potent!!!

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epitomeofdope says:

Wow! Thanks for the encouraging words <3

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DallasCowgirl says:

Enjoyed every line!

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