This bible thing isn't working this kill blunt isn't strong enough to taccle my problems this drink isn't helping me clear my vision everything is all wrong everyday isn't suppose to be painful the simple things are really starting to get to me how is that i can walk six cites in eighteen hours and twentytwo mins an not give up but when it comes to looking for jobs going to school being successful writing or making music it seems impossible for me to even complete these tasks i am more then ready to give up i was just preaching to a friend a few hours ago about not giving up an to go chase they dreams but i can't even take my own damn advise everything is really getting to me and facebook instagram kik ain't making it no better for me i just seen a 17 year girl trying to overdose on several things of pills because of what she's going threw it's really messed up but in a way i Salut her i understand where she's coming from this hurt this pain is to damn great for me to bare i can read the bible 247 but the devil trys to attacc my mind to get me distracted most of the time i really don't get it and it just feels like I'm talking to myself anxiety attaccs confusion depression clouds my better judge ment and to make things worse I'm constantly stressing just last night i wanted to fight just to take out my anger i have a short tempter anger problems jealousy issues another side of me that no one knows about and the best thing people can say is pray about it smoke some weed drink some liquor take some pills write it out do you i want help i need help but i rather just have people leave me the fucc alone i could cry right now if i had any tears left in me all you see is a blank expression in all do respect i apologize if you wasn't ready to ready this because i know that no one is going to read this reply or respond to this the life of a 21 failure who choose to live life because death is to easy