for years ive been searching secretly seeking help for this horrible thing they call a disease-
but after dad died the only thing that would make me not think was my new bff oxycotin had me forget all the troubling pain I could barely remember my name downon my knees-
all the guilt regrets & sorrow had seemingly left replaced by nodding confused illusions-
their wasn't anything around that could bring me down so I thought as I slept tightdeeply in confusion- ive been asking all along though as I lost weight chased oc around all hours of the night like I wasa cop after a serial killer killing more as time went on til caught-but nobody heard my screams as I grew pale lethargic & withdrawn into my shell-hell to rot-
growing so angrily pissed at all those shrugs n looks from the others even blatantly took pics of drug abuse by my lil brothers-posting for public view still no one had a clue no one could hear or help not even sally strothers-as the pain grew more painful all relationships grew more strainful my feelings toward law enforcement more distaintul & hatefuly corrupt-
I robbed in stole things that could never be replaced like possesions their feelings in hearts turned tough- a lot faster than slower losing it all my girl my family and seemingly my life still no ones heard I don't know if ill be able to make it through this night as I sit here curressing this knife!!!!