CdavisL100 | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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just different

Views: 343

I light fire to the pen
and ignite the page
Then stand back
leaving the open book in flames
until ashes of my thoughts remain
Let you inhale the smoke
from the flaring memories I wrote
as you cough and choke
on the remnants of burning notes
Trying to cover your mouths
but the intensity
keeps you vomiting out
gasping, asking what is it about
While your eyes begin to scorch
your skin becomes pale and torched
Your mind panicking for a way to escape
but the blaze has you contained
in the chapters of every page
Feeling the soot build up
limiting your ability to breathe
Then the headaches ensue
and you can't clearly conceive
just what these written words mean
Trapped in my inferno
of tales and stories you've never
witnessed before
as each breath begins to slow
Struggling to read each title as they incinerate
lyrical asphyxiate
knowing you can't resuscitate
An author and arsonist
Watching you faint
passing out into a coma
All because I put a match
to a poem

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