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A Walk Down A Country Lane



Views: 877

 A Walk Down A Country Lane
By: Keith Fuchs

Far away, I walked down a country lane-
Then followed a shady chase,
That was nestled beneath a canopy of beech.
Traversing the quaint and quiet terrain,
I was led to a manor whose face was argyle and slate.
I had no care for my welfare, I was free
I no longer had to worry about my diabetes.
So…the wind blew yet the air was still
I saw a figure glance at me,
A shadowy apparition from the chateau's bow.
Poppies and daisies were still in their sill.
The emerald scenery abreast was stow
April has come and she whispered in the trees
Bespoke, I was a bloke, invoked with intrigue.
Who is she? Another mysterious figure near the hedges and holly?
Is this a folly or does she desire to lure me?
I step off the dusty road and proceed down the drive, enclosed.
The cobblestone car park and the brick veneer,
Cautiously surveying the verandas and tiers.
In the rear, crab apple and lindens
A grove of topiary, the remarkable chartreuse
The jade moss and malachite grass,
It's as if Eden was centered in the middle of England.
I approach closer, a cloaked figure with a lantern handy,
Halts in place and turns its head candid.
It's a woman who beckons me with a grimace.
Her nose and her hair, accented from the glimmering lucent.
Immediately, I feel numbness in my knees.
My breathing has ceased and my arteries are hardening.
I can no longer sense the soft carpet of flora beneath my shoes.
I am rigid and stuck, as if I were submerged in glue.
My instincts have melted in the brisk, crisp, soggy dew.

"Good day darling, have you lost your way?" She removes her hood and unleashes her exquisite dark hair.
The sky has grown overcast and the fragrance of potpourri filled the garden.
Fog and mist descended upon the meadows and brush.
"You vagrants are bloody boggins. When will you gen up?" She threw off her cloak which danced in the gusts.
She was wearing athletic apparel, fit for a gymnast.
A cobalt shade that contoured to her immaculate physique.
She had a mystique matched with a furious gawk of lilac.
Glamorous and violent, with violet in her hair.
Emerging from a labyrinth with an icy glare.
An orchid energy clenched her mitts, in this orchard of bliss.
"No…Miss. Just wait." She leapt and then she rushed. I prayed I wouldn't be crushed if I were struck.
"I...brought you this." Reaching in to my pocket, I waved a red rose as if it were a white flag.
Her fist was curled and her milky toned skin was tight, not one muscle sagged.
She halted in step. I nodded and gingerly handed her the bulb.
She took it graciously, yet suspiciously.
This nebulous belle had reasons which compelled.
She was well built with a solid frame,
Yet she had bountiful feminine features, so ornately tamed.

She placed the petals close to her nose,
Took an honest whiff and smiled some more.
"Thank you dear, this is rather sweet of you."
"I traveled all this distance to give that to you."
Her torso was intimidating despite the velvet texture of her body.
She was tall, fit and extraordinarily classy.
Nevertheless, she was intense and sassy.
That's eerily similar to my personality. A match made in Heaven.
"Where did you depart from?" She smelled the rose once again,
"New York. I walked across the Atlantic. Shore to shore." I joked.
"Aren't you quite clever?" She found humor in what I spoke.
"As much as I can be, Madame." I replied and bowed.

She lurched forward and locked her hands in mine
She led me further through the countryside, to a lonely pine.
I was stunned by the majestic color of her eyes,
It would be the last thing I'd want to see, before I die.
I could no longer resist, I had to give her a kiss.
Her lips fit perfectly with mine, as if it were a puzzle or abacus.
I heard the sounds of the song Angie ringing in my mind,
As we further engaged lustfully, I squeezed her against me so she can feel all of my love.
She embraced me the same way, instantly. She is my long lost love.

"What took you so long love? I was waiting right here."
"Don't aghast beautiful maiden, At last…I made it and they told me I was deranged."
"But why? Your objective was always right clear"
"They thought I'd be wandering around in a maze, amazed…never to settle out of the haze." I disclosed.
"You're heart is your compass, sweetheart. Follow its lead" She decreed.
"Yes, angel and If I never pursued its queue, I would never leave. The timing may have been hasty but I could no longer be patient. I swam across the pond to see you, baby." I proclaimed.

She forced me to the ground and mounted me on the floor.
We kissed and snogged in heavy heat galore.
Rubbing her rib cage and groping her breast,
I pull her near and smooch her neck.

"It seems everyone desires to hurt me, but you passionately protect me." I hugged her even tighter again.
"Yes, I'd step in front of you, if anything dare threaten. Place no bet against me. I am your shield and your weapon, Betsy."
I elaborate."I came all this way, to make sure you were safe and adored, as you should be. You are adorable and lovely, incredible and regal." I added.
"That's awfully kind. You are just as precious to me, my sweet. What is your next jest, my esteemed guest?" As if it was an inquiry or a quest.

"I’d like to take you on a picnic, on a lonely hill. Where no one can find us and we can share a basket of fruit. Lie together on a quilt and cuddle snugly. It’d be cute.” I chuckled
“Just you and me bathing in the sunshine...ever so happy." She became befuddled.
Ear to ear and cheek to cheek. She was consumed by blithe.
She presumed I was here for a fight. I strictly came to care for her and behold her sight.
It was a delight to her; I was so nurturing and cordial.
How could I not be? She is exponentially ambrosial.

“Beautiful is it true my disease is gone too?” I was enthralled at the revelation.
“Yes darling, that bugger is gone!” She mauled me with adulation.
She shared in my triumph. We both celebrated!
I laughed hysterically. Never, had I been so festive and elated.
I ripped off my insulin pump and tossed it up, carelessly.
She kicked it! Then she sliced the device to bits, with her extraordinary abilities.
I scooped her up and lifted her. She swung around in my raucous clutch.
She was as excited as I, our cheers diminished to a peaceful hush.
We never let go of each other, we kissed once more. She can surely turn me to mush.
“All is well, deary. You are with me now.” She was breathing heavy, it can be seen from her sculpted core.
I playfully tickled her nose, she smirked and she jerked,
Slapping my face innocently, she was a mischievous flirt.
I entombed her in my arms; they surrounded her sleek and silky costume.
I pressed my lips and pecked her imperceptible freckles.
Her blue glove grazed the back of my skull.
She rubbed my scalp, I felt a sedating lull radiate from her fingers.
Next, the sensation of her lips against my forehead which lingered.
Suddenly, I felt myself slipping away.
Loud horns cranking and branches snapping.
I awake in a panic, "What the hell happened?"
It seems, she was all but a dream.
The agony I felt in my soul was real.
I was in a time and place, tragically surreal.
I wished I would have perished in my sleep.
That was Heaven, and God willing- I would have been there forever.
Her name is Elizabeth, but she prefers Lizzie or Betsy.
May the world know! Everything that she is and what she means to me.
Recite the quatrains and stanzas of romantic poetry,
Dedicated to this lady, who resides in my dreams.

copyright 2014, Keith Fuchs all rights reserved.

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The Immortal Wize says:

A load of beauty in this story.

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darylg44 says:

Beautiful work man. really nice

LP45 says:

Very nice.

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