mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 244500
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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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Murphys Law



Views: 1018
Out takin a walk in the woods doing the soul some refreshen good Serendipity descended upon me said let me talk as we walk With me what you search for you will always find something better Trust me we will always walk together I will always be by your side on your life journey and destiny Smilin at what Serendipity had said when suddenly I felt a soft tap on my head saying Murphys Law is my name always complexities in lifes lil game Don't forget about me on your journey of things to see What serendipity said may be true but remember Murphys Law will always be beside you too

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Really nice!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Share....ONE

mrmelody7 says:

Thank you sir Wize Dom

mrmelody7 says:

Thank you 2b2b2 I guess I am dealing with Murphys law, my poetry is not posting like I submit it, my poetic words look like a massive traffic jam at an intersection. No breaks from line to line, combining 2 lines into one makiin it not flowing and difficult to read

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HumbleMeeksInFloetry4 says:


mrmelody7 says:

Thank you much Mz HumbleMeeks

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