Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Gay Scene Girls



Views: 264
Un-angelic children grouped by the door to your world that minority has driven you to,
Exchanging judgments of uneducated persuasion causing heartache and anxiety undue,
Giggling like school girls about the guy who looks like a woman, or visa versa - who can tell,
Who actually cares? I know I don't! These people are here to be free to be themselves,
Every inch of skin and bone is labelled with superdry, every hair cut given by the French dude at rage,
Driving the nicest cars with the best jobs, holding each other in a stereotyped cage,
And I see no one standing up to these people, people that after a few pints, will *** your friendship and your girl,
No morals, no conscience, no ability to see their wrongdoing, unwilling to hear informative pearls,
I guess they see themselves in celebrity stature, 
lies and sense of humours, missing depth and the mind of the mature,
'Friendships' based on nights out and who bought the last tray of shots,
Yet domestic abuse lingers like Australian fires, in the heat, hearts are lost,
Sheep without a sheepdog, cows without a farmer, best mates covering eyes of black with foundation,
Nobody says anything, integrity evades them, nobody willing to step in and protect in fear of losing admiration,
It doesn't matter whether you stay away, watch what you say, and keep your opinions to yourself,
There is always someone out there ready to put off the intention of someone else,
If you're intelligent you're thick, if your hairs good - it looks like , no matter how much dollar you spend on clothes, they'll always have a problem with it,
Match them or show them up with your hard earned fancy car,
Nothing is enough, you're still a diamond in the rough, you'll never be like they are,
There is only one way to save yourself, you have to withdraw from this youth centre charade,
Realise that they only say this so that the younger's think that they're hard,
They don't care about anybody but themselves, they're happy that way, who are we to say,
Or pass judgement like I have explained above, but then without knowledge there is nothing to say,
Most will grow up and out of this, improve and become decent human beings,
But this is how I will always stay, homophobic to the brutality of the gay scene. 

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Deep Share.....Namaste

Majestic says:

Thanks man, appreciate it :) Namaste

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