thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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purple sprite & dirty lean


just different

Views: 244

You only feel alone at night. when the Styrofoam is half empty & the blunt is half gone it begins to hit you. dark and Intimate thoughts corner the depths of your mind an your soul is not in your prescients your in the zone with nobody home you picc up your phone & make a call to a friend inviting them to a season where lessons can't be learned so in a sense it's painful to have pleasure but that drunken faded love is so much better Keisha knocks on the door you have something in store for her she walks in with such a beautiful smile Raises her eye brow and ask if you been drinking you laugh & say you been leaning offered her a sip of your poison (lean) instead she inhales your breath (kush) both so quit you could have sworn it was a quit test

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