Wordman21 | Poetry Vibe
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Regained my voice, my voice is no longer silent..

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In My Sleep


just different

Views: 303

I forget, I forgot,  I am struggling trying to remember what the last thought on my

mind was last night,

There was an image, a picture of the thought that was dancing, teasing me to remember,

I just can't do it.....

Haunting, haunting, it begins to hunt me down in my dreams, trying to make

me remember, to realize what it was, yet the images refuse to become clear enough for me to recognize, clear enough for me to know.

Ahhhh, I need to stop this pounding in my head, need to stop the beat of the drums  trying to beat out the Morse code, the secret identity of what I am to remember.

Cold sweat, sheets are wet as if I were in a summer rain, 

No not a cold sweat, just cold, numb, dark....

Now I know, now I understand, now I remember, now I can see the image as I was suppose to see it.....

Born: June 20, 1960- Died: February 28, 2014     

Wow, so this is what happens when you die in your sleep.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Flip....Bravo....ONE

Koppe30 says:

Wow caught me by surprise, very good! What a shocker! Stay up Writerighton.webs.com

LP45 says:

Wow! Very very deep. I really liked this one. Keep up the great work Wordman21.

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