Simply_Juju | Poetry Vibe
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Gots a seriouse case of writers block!

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in this room..


Views: 229

Sound waves brought on by the musical tune fill my room with smooth-soothing music; that brings back thoughts and feeds my soul. Causing poetry to be written and recited within the walls of this room.

The music feeds my hungry spirit, nourishing it so that it grows. The fruits of its labor are pure knowledge with a hint of talent and a sprinkle of individuality.

less hostility more spirituality and calm.

As I listen to the music and read through psalms gaining wisdom, both from the melody and the word of God, a beautiful storm is brewing in this room.

As I envision the future of things to come, not only for myself but the new generation, I realize a movement will arise.

Our eyes will glow a fiery color and we will produce.

I envision as the music plays and my body sways, my head bobs to the beat, a new Harlem Renaissance will be created, something unique will emerge.

our voices heard.

Our Voices heard.

For the sound waves brought on by musical tune that fill this room, with smooth-soothing music that brings back thoughts that feed my sou..

told me so.

and it said , it all starts in this room.

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mrmelody7 says:

Music a powerful force in our lives you stated so well

poems by this commentor


bekz580 says:

Ahh...I told you...talented! Good work!
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Great Work....Namaste

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