lordJoe | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 900
U wait and rehab urself by detoxing from the situation. Time will conquer how you feel. Time has conquered great nations and it can conquer ur hurt too. :) Yes I'm talking to u

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Leavin Marley


just different

Views: 195

 My little Marley i wish i could take u everywhere
People complain bcuz ur not like them so i leave u at home
U knw i need u cuz u cry when i leave the house
I could hear u saying joe don't leave
I c you want to go too
U don't ask for much and ur always happy to see me
Even if I leave for days at a time u don't get angry but accept me
U knw when I'm depressed u knw i go into mania but u lick me all over my face even tasting my tears
U lick me until ur tongue feels like sandpaper yet u still don't stop
U scream when I start to fuss to say joe don't do that
Ur hearts too big I don't understand how it fit in such a small body
U bark at people that are even bigger than me but hide behind me when they notice
I'm a man with a long haired chihuahua
I've been kicked out of stores
I've been called gay
So what If i look odd
So what i don't like pit bulls
Gay u may say?
Idgaf Marley is my friend
So for all the days I leave u at home not knowing when I'll return I'm sorry
For the times u fall asleep by the doggy gate waiting for me to come home
It's not my fault

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