Goldie | Poetry Vibe
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I want it all



Views: 282

 I want everything what the eyes admire.
I want to be build up but never broken down.
I want to be graceful when I walk and talk. I want to be noticed
by the ones that arent even looking my way.
Can I give you away when I'am upset? I promise I will
take you back when the storm has passed..
Have I been greedy?
I have been doin me and only me. At times
I guess we need to focus on problems what involves others
not just ourselves. Because sometime just
doing you will only end you.
Just to be apart of anothers plan can lead to more
then just "I" want it all.
Because we all want it all. Just by building
a strong character an the right sense of mind, Can lead
to more then just wanting items that shall soon
parish. What a great thing you have done
can only come from a being like you.
Words are what comes from the mouth of man kind.
So I want it all can only prosper
in one direction that only involves you.

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