Thank you my dearest for being the ever bearing elixir of life
Fill my cells swole until they reveal the sacred know ledge of self
Chards of liquid diamonds unfold your essence unto me
Caress my roads of blood filled time
Calm my fears to fuel my mer-ka-ba
Love me whole so I know
Be my inside friend so I live clean and insightful
Help me for i cry you out
Scared and unknown to light
Fire me soon for I long to know the GOD in me
Dream for I dream you old and long
Satisfying hunger and thirst
You are my now savior stored and vesseled
I find comfort in your view
Share your strengths with me for I am meant to travel in your foot steps
I move in you loving, living, Fu@king, sucking, dancing and growing
I feel it now, yes I know your light
For it lives in me eternally